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Field Description Scheme Required
name Set name for component property. string
value Mutually exclusive with text int64
text Mutually exclusive with value string
type Specify type of component property, one of currency, number, url string
unit Unit for component property e.g. milliseconds, bytes, millicores, epoch etc. string
color Set color for component property. string
headline Toggle headline for component property. bool
icon Specify icon for component. string
label Specify label for component property. string
links Set links pertaining to component. []Link
max Set maximum value for components to display. int64 optional
min Set minimum value for components to display. int64
order Set integer value order for component property. int
status Specify status for component property. string
summary Set Summary for component property e.g Healthy, Unhealthy, Warning, and Info. Template optional
tooltip Set tooltip outlining information pertaining to the component. string
configLookup Specify lookup for component config. ConfigLookup optional


Field Description Scheme Required
name Specify the name of the config item. string optional
type Specify type of config item. string optional
labels Specify tags of config item. map[string]string optional
Field Description Scheme Required
icon Set icon for link. string
label Set label for link. string
text Set text of choice for link. string
tooltip Set tooltip outlining information pertaining to the link. string
type Specify type of link e.g. documentation, support, playbook. string
url Specify URL for link. string